CALL US NOW (877) 706-0196
Equate Media generates more, unique, high-quality moving leads than anyone else in the industry.
When our leads work for our clients, they change their business entirely (in a good way). Are you ready to boost your business?
Being the largest call provider in the nation, expect a higher booking ratio, with fewer agents needed to handle the volume.

Our Offerings

Pre-Qualified Phone Transfers

All phone calls are pre-screened by a real human being prior to transfer.

$25/call (Local)
$75/call (Long Distance)*
*Starting at

Exclusive Leads

One lead. One mover. Go get ‘em.

$69 Long Distance Leads**
$33 Local Leads*
*depending on service area
**depending on availability

Premium Leads

One lead, and up to 4 movers. May the best mover win.

$19 Long Distance
$11.50 Local Leads


Call Center Integration

Integrate with P4P BPO Call Center Services to answer calls on behalf of your company, saving you time and money.

Virtual Surveys

Just like an in-home survey, but easier. And cheaper. Our trained represntatives walk through customer inventory via our iMoverTM technology– leaving you with a full, “cubed-out” inventory.

Booked Jobs

If you don’t need Call Center Services, but just want booked jobs delivered directly to you, this is the option for you. We do the booking, while you do the moving.
